Short Whatsapp status messages

Long messages are boring. That is why we have short Whatsapp status messages about love and inspiration. These small whatsapp lines will be clearly visible on your mobile phone. It is a great way to communicate what you are currently feeling besides sending messages to your friends and acquaintances. This page contains uniquely formed short Whatsapp status quotes that you will like and want to upload as your own.

School Cool Attitude Whatsapp Status

ALARM CLOCK: Because mornings must begin with a heart attack.

2 things are famous in this city. 1 is this this phone owners vigor & second is his girlfriends figure.

During exams I wish
we could fix Wikipedia and Google in my mind.

The only thing I ever learned about Maths is that I clearly hate it.

Kidnapper: I will kill you. Me: Please don't. I have a girlfriend and a boss who need me, please kill them.

I wish there was a day between Saturday and Sunday.

Sometimes I wonder if I have already met the person I am going to marry.

My favorite part about cold winters or very hot summers is when they are over. 

Most people listen to music. When I put my headphones on, my life transforms into a music video.

Home work: Because 7-8 hours in school wasn't enough.

Funniest part is when your teacher cracks a joke and nobody laughs.

Have you seen your human version of a headache? Mine is my Maths teacher.

Need more? Click the link to read some more cool and funny attitude whatsapp messages 

Short Love and Romance Status Messages

I want you to be the reason I look at my phone and smile while travelling.

You are my first love and the only one I will ever love.

After meeting you my life has become a garden of happiness and love.

No matter how many love stories I read, the one we share is the best.

Sometimes I wish we could run away to a place where there is only you me and <3

Ever since I saw your pretty face and heard your voice, I can't think of anyone else.

My name sounds even better when I have your last name besides it.

Your smile is like the diamonds which make my world brighter.

You're so classy that my heart wears a suit every time I see you.

There is more love and far more status messages for you. Simply click here to get them.

Short Heartbreak Status Messages

All I asked for was love but instead I received hate, bitterness and pain.

I made you the queen of my heart and you all you did was break it into million pieces.

Love is not only is deaf too. If you don't show it, then it does not count.

You may break my heart into a thousand pieces but I will love you with every one of them.

It was love for me but I never knew that it was just a game for you.

You made me think that I was your everything. Now I know I was just another option.

Love is about feelings and kindness but for you its a toy to use and throw.

I have gone through a lot of things but this heartbreak is the hardest.

I trusted you with all my heart and mind but I will never be able to do it again.

I gave you my world but you turned it into hell. I wish we had never met.

If you are going through a heartbreak, remember that it is not the end of the world. I went through one a few years ago and I thought I would never be able to fall in love again, but I was wrong. I am now in a relationship with one of the best people I could have ever been with who loves me for who I am and loves me with all her heart. So don't worry because things can get better.

Inspirational Whatsapp Status

I'm highly focused on success and the determination to achieve it only increases everyday.

Don't wait until everything is alright to be happy. Count your blessings and create it in your life and then inspiration and success will follow.

When it get really dark, look out for the stars, when times are tough motivate & remind yourself of all the good things that have happened in life.

You cannot undo the past mistakes but you can learn, inspire yourself and create a better future.

If you wait until all traffic lights turn green, you will never reach your destination. Just begin working on success right now.

Every once in a while appreciate and inspire yourself by looking at all that you have achieved.

No matter how bad a mistake you may have made, you can always learn and start over again.

Instead of being sad over lost opportunities, make hope your friend and create new opportunities for yourself.

You have the right talents and they can be used to help yourself and others around you. Make sure you use them to the fullest.

Focus on being the best that you can be and then one day the people who used to dislike you will look up to you.

Next Page: 101 NEW and Unique Whatsapp Status Messages

Hope you've thoroughly enjoyed these Whatsapp status messages. If you know of some yourself or if you have seen some smart ones on your

Cool and funny Whatsapp status

Take a look at some some cool Whatsapp status updates on your phone. These Whats app quotes and messages will impress your friends and contacts . They are funny and laughable so put them up and share them with whoever you wish to.

I wish Whatsapp would charge some subscribers for being stupid and pay others for being awesome.

Hey pimples, if you